Friday, July 29, 2011

Jump-start your Nursing Job Search

Did you miss the Resume & Cover Letter Workshop this past Tuesday? No worries! As an NYU student, you have access to a variety of career development resources at the Wasserman Center for Career Development. This includes:

- one-on-one career counseling

- workshops on resume and cover letter development

- job search strategies

- mock interviews and interview preparation

Workshops are offered monthly.

It's never too early to begin developing your marketing tools and job search strategies. The upcoming summer break (mid-August) is a great time to begin thinking about your past experiences and planning for your future job.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Resume & Cover Letter Workshop

The time to start preparing for your job search is NOW!

Do not miss the opportunity to learn helpful tips and strategies for preparing your Nursing marketing tools from Ms. Cheryl Mazlen, Assistant Director of The Wasserman Center for Career Development.

Resume & Cover Letter Workshop

When: Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Time: 2:15 - 3:15 p.m.

Where: 726 Broadway, 10th floor, Atrium Conference Room

RSVP to by Monday, July 25.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Dual Degree Information Session

Are you interested in transitioning into the Master's program after earning your B.S.? Plan on attending this information-packed session facilitated by Ms. Gail Wolfmeyer, Assistant Director for Graduate Student Affairs & Admissions.

WHAT: Dual Degree Info. Session

WHEN: Friday, July 22, 2011

TIME: 1:00 - 2:00 p.m.

WHERE: 726 Broadway, 10th Floor, Nursing Conference Center

RSVP: By Thursday, June 21 to

Friday, July 15, 2011

Looking Back: Advice from a Recent Alumna

My name is Laraine Ann Chiu and I graduated in May with the Class of 2011 from NYU College of Nursing. Throughout my academic studies and clinical rotations, I had been very involved in the College. I took the opportunity to coordinate the Undergraduate Curriculum Review Discussions with the deans, I served as an Executive Board member in the Undergraduate Nursing Student Organization as well as an Orientation Leader and Student Panelist for the Office of Undergraduate Student Affairs & Admissions. I also became a member of the Graduation Planning Committee for the Class of 2011 and I volunteered at NYU Langone Medical Center.

It is through my involvement and service to the College that I was commemorated at the University-wide graduation by being featured in the Commencement Video to represent the College of Nursing. In order to continue my involvement in the College, I am currently working in the Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing and participating in the Summer Research Program with the guidance of a faculty mentor from the Nurses Improving Care for Healthsystem Elders (NICHE) Program.

Are you interested in getting involved, but don’t know where to start? Here are my top four tips on how to make the most of your experience as a student in the College of Nursing:

· Represent your fellow nursing students in a leadership role:

Ø Become an Undergraduate Nursing Student Organization (UNSO) Representative or Executive Board Member

Ø Join one or all of the nursing student interest groups: M.E.N. in Nursing, Asian Pacific Islander-Nursing Student Association (API-NSA), Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transgender, Queer – Faculty, Alumni, Nursing Students & Staff (LGBTQ FANSS), the Black Student Nurses Association (B.S.N.A.), and Latinos Aspiring to Imagine Nursing Opportunities (LATINOS).

Ø Attend faculty presentations, social events, fundraisers, and general meetings hosted by student organizations. I especially enjoyed fundraising with the NYUCN Team for the American Cancer Society’s Annual Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk!

· Get Involved in the College of Nursing:

Ø Provide your services to the Office of Undergraduate Student Affairs & Admissions (participate in Student Panels, New Student Orientations, and Meet & Greet Sessions for prospective and incoming nursing students.)

Ø Join the Graduation Committee for your graduating class

Ø Participate in academic workshops and events hosted by the Office of Academic Advising & Learning Development

· Participate in Research Opportunities:

Ø Familiarize yourself with publications from the Nurses Improving Care for Healthsystem Elders (NICHE ) Program

Ø Conduct informational interviews with administrative members of the Hartford Institute for Geriatric Nursing

Ø Find a faculty mentor in the College of Nursing who is conducting research in your area of interest and volunteer to lend assistance

· Volunteer in Your Community:

Ø Apply and commit to a volunteer position in your area of interest at a primary, acute or long-term care setting

Ø Attend Nursing Conferences and Health Fairs throughout New York City

Ø Support health-related causes and organizations (The Walk Against Breast Cancer with the American Cancer Society, the Walk to Cure Diabetes with the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, Oral Cancer Walk with the NYU College of Dentistry, etc.)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Test Taking Strategies Workshop - Next week!


Do you need assistance with comprehending and answering NCLEX and nursing certification-type questions? Would you benefit from learning about test taking strategies?

Plan on attending with workshop facilitated by Dr. Emerson Ea

: Test Taking W
sday, July 19, 2011
: 4:30 – 6:00 p.m.
: 726 Broadway, 10th Floor, Nursing Conference Center
: By Monday, July 18 to

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Time Mgmt. Workshop

Do you feel like you don’t have enough time in your day?

The Office of Academic Advising & Learning Develop
ment invites you to attend a workshop on Time Management. During this session, Nursing students will learn about effective time management strategies related to studying.

What: Time Management Workshop

When: Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Time: 5:15 – 6:15 p.m.

Where: 726 Broadway, 10th Floor, Nursing Conference Center

RSVP: By Tuesday, July 12 to

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Helpful Study Tips from Dr. Mauro

Final exams for the summer term are just around the corner. Dr. Ann Marie Mauro has shared her top study strategies below:

1) Always read before class so that you are familiar with the content. Learning will occur in the classroom when you can make connections between the lecture and the readings.

2) Participate in class by asking and answering questions.

3) Review your notes as soon as possible after class. Go back to your text to clarify concepts as needed.

4) Go back to notes from previous courses (e.g., Anatomy & Physiology, Pathophysiology) if you need to review. Keep your nursing, science, and patho. books!

5) Do 10 to 15 practice NCLEX questions a day, five days a week, on the topics covered each week. This includes your Kaplan focused reviews. Just like an athlete training for a race, you need to train your brain to think critically over time. Keep track of your scores on the NCLEX questions (Do not write answers in the book. Keep a separate journal.)

6) Use as many study resources as you can including tutoring, smart phone apps with NCLEX questions, and study groups. Share your study materials with friends.

7) Remember to put your best efforts into all of your assignments (e.g., care plans, reflection papers, etc.) as the learning strategies for the didactic, simulation and clinical are integrated.

8) If you are struggling, ask for help! See your course coordinator/faculty and attend tutoring sessions. Remember, we are here to help you!