Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Important Deadline Approaching

Please be reminded that Pass/Fail Forms are to be submitted prior to the end of the fifth week of classes.

For students who began class on January 23, 2012, and wish to take a course pass/fail, you must submit your form by Monday!

Deadline: Monday, February 27, 2012

If you are currently taking a course that did not begin during the first official week of the term then you will have additional time based on the date of course commencement. Please address any questions related to the College of Nursing's pass/fail policy to a member of the Advising Staff.

Please be aware that the regulations for pass/fail for each degree program (i.e. B.S., Ph.D., etc.) are available on the Pass/Fail Form. As a reminder, undergraduate students in clinical sequence nursing courses are not eligible to elect any courses pass/fail.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

NYUCN Graduate Students! Are you ready to get INVOLVED?!

Are you passionate about your NYU College of Nursing Education? You can make a difference!

The College of Nursing’s Office of Graduate Admissions is seeking enthusiastic students to spread the word about our tradition of excellence in nursing education! We believe that the best way to connect with prospective students is to link them with you – the talented and dynamic current students who are living and learning within our NYUCN community!

Graduate Admissions Ambassadors will play a direct and vital role in attracting the best and brightest nurses to NYUCN by representing the master’s, post-master’s advanced certificate and doctoral programs at various admissions/recruiting events throughout the academic year.

Examples of admissions activities include but are not limited to:
• New Graduate Student Orientation Sessions
• Graduate Open Houses
• Local and Regional Hospital Visits
• Coffee Talks
• Professional Conferences & Recruitment Fairs

Admissions Ambassadors will also be asked to connect with admitted students by responding to program specific inquiries as well as attending new student meet and greet events!
Apply Today!
If you are interested in applying to become one of the College of Nursing's Graduate Admissions Ambassadors, please review the application and submit all required materials to the Office of Graduate Student Affairs and Admissions (726 Broadway, 10th Floor, Room 1014 or via email at admissions.nursing@nyu.edu).

If you have any questions about this exciting leadership opportunity or would like to learn more, please contact Gail Wolfmeyer, Assistant Director for Graduate Student Affairs and Admissions, at gail.wolfmeyer@nyu.edu.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Effective Test Taking Strategies

If you weren't able to make it to Professor Ea's test taking workshop this week keep reading for a summary of what was discussed. The Office of Academic Advising will plan to offer another test taking session in April; but, until then, here are some helpful tips to keep in mind moving forward this semester!

Self-Assessment Questions: A Few Things to Consider
  • How do you study best? Alone or in groups? Answering this question can be essential to your success in studying for an exam. If you know that you need alone time and complete quiet to retain information then it may be best to study alone.
  • Where do you study best? Similar to the first question, if you have a special place that you like to study then be sure to secure that space during your study time. Studying can be similar to real estate in that location is key. Find a place where you, and/or your group, is most comfortable.
  • Are you maintaining a positive attitude? Relaxation is another key to being a successful test taker. Think positive thoughts and affirm yourself and your abilities. Anxiety is contagious so try to remain positive and distance yourself from people or things that will make you nervous about upcoming tests.
Preparing for the Test
  • Plan Ahead. Keep up with reading and know exactly what you will be tested on. Check learning and lecture outcomes before and after exams to help you "focus read."
  • Develop study habits and skills. Being a good listener, an effective note-taker, and an effective reader will assist you in being as prepared as possible for your upcoming exam. If you have questions about how to do this for your course, ask your instructor.
  • Validate Your Knowledge. Utilize study guides associated with your course material. Use resources such as Kaplan, review questions, and attend tutoring to confirm what you know to be correct.
Taking the Test
  • Identify the topic and focus of each question. If you need to, rephrase the question in a way that makes sense to you. If you are unable to identify the focus of the question THEN read the answer choices. Look for emerging patterns.
  • Select answers by elimination. Don't look for the correct answer right away. Be sure to read ALL the choices before settling on the answer you think is correct.
  • Don't read too far into the questions. As you are taking the exam, don't make up circumstances to justify each of the choices. Avoid saying "what if" and answer the question that is in front of you.
The tips above and many more were covered by Professor Ea in the Test Taking Workshop on February 8th. Hopefully this summary can be of assistance in your study time and preparation. Feel free to reach out to the Office of Academic Advising with any questions related to this workshop or assistance with study skills. We wish you the best and look forward to seeing you at our future events!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Upcoming Support Workshop: Test-Taking Strategies!!

We are excited to announce this upcoming academic workshop, which will be presented by Dr Emerson Ea. This session will address effective strategies and tips for answering question-types commonly seen on the NCLEX and other licensing exams.

Test-Taking Strategies
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Atrium Conference Room
726 Broadway, 10th Floor

This workshop is open to both undergraduate and graduate students in the College of Nursing. All are encouraged to attend! If you are interested in attending this session, please RSVP to nursingadvising@nyu.edu by no later than February 7, 2012. We look forward to seeing you there!