Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Study Strategies: NYUCN OAALD Endorses the 5 Day Test Prep!

The Stanford University Center for Teaching and Learning offers a review of what students should be doing to prepare when they are a week away from their exams. This strategy should be used in conjunction with sustained, structured study time, and offers a set system that you can use to keep your self on the right track until exam time comes.

5 Day Test Prep

Five days before: Organize
Organize and review your class notes and text notes carefully. Prepare a list of all topics that will be on the exam. List them in order of importance so you can focus your attention accordingly.

Four days before: Review and Recall
Review your notes thoroughly, but don’t just look at them. Explain them to yourself. Don’t mistake familiarity for comprehension. Concentrate on the topics that are more difficult for you to understand. Use mnemonic devices or visualization to organize the material as a “breadcrumb trail” back to the big ideas.

Three days before: Rewrite
Briefly rewrite all important information. Review these notes repeatedly. Trying to recall your own explanations will be more effective than trying to recall what the text and your professors have said.

Two days before: Question
Make a list of questions that might be on the exam and answer them in as much detail as possible.

One day before: Prepare
Review your notes and rewritten notes a few hours before the exam. Take time to relax before the exam. If you are afraid you will forget information or "blank out" when you receive the exam, write reminders on the back that you can come back to during the exam.

A handout with this information is available for pick up in the Office of Academic Advising, it is also available here: Stanford 5 Day Test Prep

The Office of Academic Advising & Learning Development is here to support you! If you want to discuss more study strategies or have a question about the 5 Day test prep method, feel free to reach out. You can make an appointment with a member of the advising staff as well as speak to your assigned academic advisor.

Important Reminder for Sequence II Students: Summer 2012 Tutoring!!

Remember that the Office of Academic Advising offers free tutoring services this summer for students in the second sequence of clinical courses (Adult & Elder Nursing II and Pharmacotherapeutics)! This group tutoring format allows you to have your questions answered as well as hear other topics that your peers are having trouble with.

The NYUCN tutoring data support the tutoring format and confirm that continued attendance leads to the best result(s)!! We're committed to your academic success and want you to get the best results.

NYUCN Summer Tutoring Schedule

We sincerely encourage you to attend the last two sessions of the semester on July 30th and August 6th. Times and location are provided on the schedule at the link above.

Friday, July 6, 2012

Robert Wood Johnson Foundation New Careers in Nursing Leadership Development Seminars

Dr. Ann Marie Mauro, an academic advisor in the undergraduate program, will be coordinating the following Robert Wood Johnson Foundation New Careers in Nursing Leadership Development Seminars. All BS students are invited and should plan to attend these sessions!

Ethical and Critical Decision Making
Presented by Professor Barbara Gallo
Date: Wed 7/18/12 from 5:15pm-6:15pm
Location: Nursing Conference Center, 726 Broadway, 10th Floor
No RSVP necessary

Interprofessional Communication & Team Work
Presented by Dr. Maja Djukic
Date: Wed 8/8/12 from 5:00pm-6:15pm
Location: Nursing Conference Center, 726 Broadway, 10th Floor
No RSVP necessary

Questions about the RWJF seminars should be directed to Dr. Mauro at annmarie.mauro@nyu.edu.

Monday, July 2, 2012

Test-Taking Strategies Review

If you were unable to make it to the workshop last week we certainly hope you will plan to attend in the future. Many students found the session to be very helpful and they plan to implement the strategies discussed with Professor Brody.

The workshop reviewed strategies and concepts discussed in Dr. Ea's workshop held during the spring semester. For a brief review refer to our blog post from February detailing some Effective Strategies for Test-Taking. Additionally, stop by the Office of Academic Advising & Learning Development to pick up a copy of the PowerPoint presentation.

As an NYU Nursing student, you are always able to meet with a member of the administrative advising team to discuss strategies for test-taking as well as time management and study skills. Feel free to email nursingadvising@nyu.edu to set up an appointment today!