Friday, September 27, 2013

Thinking About Electing to Take a Course Pass/Fail?

Taking a course pass/fail is a good way to relieve some stress during the term if you find that you have a lot of challenging classes. However, before filing the paperwork there are a few important things you should know:
  • Undergraduate and Graduate matriculated students may elect to take certain classes on a pass/fail basis. Requests must be submitted before the end of the fifth week of class for the fall and spring semesters.
  • On your transcript, in lieu of a letter grade, a P (pass) or an F (fail) will appear, but it will not factor into your GPA.
  • Pass/Fail decisions cannot be reversed. Even if you end up doing well in a class the pass/fail form will still stand.
The option to take courses pass/fail is not open to students at every level. Degree specific information, taken directly from the form, is provided here:
  • Undergraduate Students: The maximum number of courses students elect to take pass/fail may not exceed 25% of the student’s total program credits. All BS specialization courses and program prerequisites must be taken for a letter grade.
  • Master's Students: The only course students may elect to take pass/fail is the graduate statistics (NURSE-GN 2005) course. Undergraduate students taking graduate statistics as a part of the Dual Degree program may not elect pass/fail for this course.
  • DNP Students: Students are unable to elect any courses pass/fail.
  • PhD Students: Students may elect to take a total of 6 credit hours pass/fail in addition to the 3 credits of NURSE-GN 3313 Dissertation Seminar taken pass/fail. Talk to your advisor about your options.

Still have questions about Pass/Fail? Email for more information. 

Friday, September 20, 2013

Resources at NYU

We hope everyone is off to great start this semester! While you're a busy student at NYU, don't forget to take advantage of a variety of support services at NYU. Below are just a few:

Money Management Resources
It can be tough managing a small budget as a student. So take advantage of resources on banking in NYC, living off campus, college spending, and much more. Click here for more information.

Career Development
While you're a student you're also thinking about your career! Visit the Wasserman Center and use the wide range of free resources offered. You can walk-in and ask someone to review your resume on the spot! 

The Wellness Exchange
Students face challenges ranging from dealing with a difficult roommate to managing unexpected emotional stress. Visit the Wellness Exchange at NYU for free one-on-one counseling sessions, group workshops, hand-outs, and more! As always, you can speak to a counselor 24/7 by calling 212.443.9999.

Dining Services
While your mind is busy studying - don't forget to nourish your body. NYU Dining Services offers a variety of food options and places to eat on campus. They also offer options for students with food allergies, and other dietary restrictions. Visit their website for more information.

This is just a glimpse of what NYU offers. If you need more information feel free to email us at and we will point you in the right direction.

Good luck this semester!

Friday, September 13, 2013


Ciao! We're so excited about study away that we want to remind you about our upcoming info session:

Winter 2014 Study Away Applications Available Now
We are pleased to announce that the applications for the Florence, Italy and Buenos Aires, Argentina Winter 2014 Study Away Sessions are now available. Make sure you do not miss the opportunity to expand your worldview by studying away. The deadline for both applications is September 25, 2013 at 5:00pm. Please contact the Interim Student Affairs Officer, Titilayo Kuti ( for application details.
Florence Winter 2014 Study Away Information Session
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
6:00pm – 7:00pm
NYU College of Nursing
Nursing Conference Center
726 Broadway

If you're one of our traditional undergraduate students: Don't miss the September 15th application deadline through global programs! Sign up for a weekly info session here

Monday, September 9, 2013

Welcome to the New Semester!

As we head into the first few weeks here in the College of Nursing, we want to make sure that you are doing what you can to be a successful student. So start the term off on the right foot and follow these tips:

Read your syllabi! It may sound obvious, but make sure you attend the first day of class and go over your syllabi. Everything you need to know will be somewhere in this important document, so make sure to spend some time reading it over and learning about the layout (scheduling, attendance, grading) of your classes.
Get organized! Buy a planner or update your Google Calendar with your NetID. Whatever you prefer to use, just make sure you use something! Update your planner with all the assignment and test dates in your classes. Being organized makes for more efficient time use and less unwanted surprises.
Go to class! This one is simple. It may be tempting to get an extra hour of sleep, but skipping class is the easiest way to fall behind. You pay tuition, so get your money’s worth!
Talk to your Professors! Whether it is after class or during office hours, professors at NYU love to talk to their students. Don’t be afraid to ask questions if you’re falling behind, as many professors are willing to spend extra time with you to help get you where you need to be.
Get involved! NYU has hundreds of clubs and activities for you to get involved in. Whatever your interests are, there is sure to be a group of students that are interested in the same thing. Joining clubs is a great way to meet new people and to simply unwind from the stress of schoolwork.
Explore the City! NYU students have the unique opportunity to be in and of New York City - one of the greatest cities in the world. There is always something to do in the city no matter what you are interested in. There are concerts, museums, zoos—and discount deals on all of the above for those who know where to look. Make sure to check out and sign up for NYU TicketCentral’s mailing list for tickets to exclusive shows and events.