Friday, May 30, 2014

Congratulations Graduates!

Let's take a moment to congratulate all of our 2014 College of Nursing graduates! Take this time to congratulate them if you still keep in touch or happen to run into a new grad. Soon it will be your turn too, and you will be walking across that stage waving hello in celebration. 

Three tips for success to our fellow graduates, courtesy of LinkedIn:

1) Think of your career as a series of experiences
2) Spend more time with people than with your laptop
3) Locate mentors who live your desired lifestyles

Good luck graduates! And to our students who are continuing on, we wish you well in your studies.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Happy Nurses Week!

Take time to celebrate Nurses Week! Acknowledge your fellow colleagues and classmates for your hard work and dedication as nurses and nursing students. 

Check out this article from Life Magazine, portraying photographs from the history of the nursing profession:

This is a wonderful time to say thank you to all of our nurses! 

The theme for Nurses Week in 2014 is "Nurses: Leading the Way". Take some time to think about how you're leading the way in the classroom or clinical setting in your work as a nurse or nursing student. Nurses Week begins on 5/6/14 and ends on Florence Nightingale's birthday on 5/12/14.