Friday, December 16, 2011

Finals: Last Minute Tips!

As Fall 2011 finals come to a close for some and gears up for others, the Office of Academic Advising and Learning Development wanted to remind you of a few helpful tips for studying and taking exams during this stressful period. Though time is short you may still have lots to do! Before you throw in the towel, we are here to help.

In case you weren't able to attend the time management and study skills academic workshop, here are some things that may be helpful in navigating the last few days of the semester. Remember to relax when possible and seek help when needed. You are almost done!

Helpful Tips for Conquering Exam Day!

You can also reference the helpful tips offered by Dr. Ann Marie Mauro posted to our blog here.

We wish you the best on all final academic assignments this semester!

Monday, December 12, 2011

Finals are Here: Need a Place to Go?

The Office of Academic Advising wishes you well on finals, papers, and projects!

During this time it is necessary to identify a place in which you are comfortable working. Not sure where that might be? Refer to our post on good places to study around campus, which can be found here. Although there is no more "beautiful summer weather," there are still many places that you could study indoors.

For more information you could also refer to the email sent by NYUCN's Student Affairs Officer, Cindy Lundberg. She has highlighted some places that are open for study and snacks! The information is below:

Here are five "late night" dining locations on campus now available throughout the academic year for students to gather, study and eat, complete with NYU wireless access. This is an exciting new partnership between Campus Services, NYU Dining and the Office of Student Affairs. For a complete list of all dining locations and hours of operation please visit

  • Palladium “Lifeworks” Restaurant located on the 3rd Floor on 140 East 14th Street
    Open until 10:00 pm daily (Seating area and private dining rooms open 24/7)
  • Burger Studio at University Hall Commons at 110 East 14th Street
    Open daily from 4:00-11:00 pm (The Commons Lounge is open 24/7)
  • Argo Tea at the ARC located at 18 Washington Place (Greene and Washington Pl.)
    Open until 11:00 pm daily
  • Starbucks @The Square corner of Washington Square and West 4th Street
    Open until midnight Monday to Thursday and 11:00 pm Friday to Sunday
  • Weinstein Food Court “Upstein” 5 University Place
    Open until 3:00 am Monday to Thursday and 11:00 pm Saturday and Sunday
Also, note that there are available NYU Student Lounges, some of which are set aside for graduate students too!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Dual Degree Information Session

Are you interested in learning more about the M.S. program offerings at NYUCN? Then join Gail Wolfmeyer, Assistant Director for Graduate Student Affairs and Admissions, for a step-by-step review of the application process.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Nursing Conference Center, 726 Broadway, 10th Floor

Come to the session and have your questions about NYUCN graduate study answered by the expert! Please RSVP with Gail at if you wish to attend.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Registration: Things to Remember

NYUCN Undergraduate Students,

As the first registration week for Spring 2012 comes to a close there are just a few things to remember for those of you registering for clinical sequence courses:

1. Although Integrative Seminar (I, II) sections appear as closed in Albert, you will automatically be registered by the Undergraduate Programs Office.

2. All nursing students are guaranteed a spot in clinical sequence courses. Having trouble finding an open section? Email Tanisha Johnson-Campbell, Assistant Director of the Undergraduate Program, at for assistance.

3. Be flexible! Although the clinical site you wanted most at NYU Langone may be closed, there is no way to know what exciting learning opportunities await you in Brooklyn, for example. Have an open mind as you approach your clinical experience and take advantage of the opportunity to exit your comfort zone, see another part of the city, and take active steps toward becoming a well rounded student-nurse.

And remember: your clinical site selections must be finalized by November 28, 2011!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Resumes and Cover Letters

Do you think having a polished resume and knowing how to write a cover letter is important only for students in Stern? Think again! Resumes and cover letters are two of the most important aspects of applying for a position in any field, as prospective employers will often decide who to interview based on these documents.

The Wasserman Center for Career Development is holding two Resume and Cover Letter Workshops in November specifically for College of Nursing students. Learn how to make your application stand out and get the job you want! This is a great opportunity to gain the lifelong skill of writing professional resumes and cover letters that highlight your individual strengths. Please RSVP to The Office of Academic Advising at The events will be held in The College of Nursing:

Monday, November 14, 2011

2:15 – 3:15

Nursing Conference Center, 726 Broadway

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

11:00am – 12:15

Atrium Conference Room, 726 Broadway

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Have You Been Going to Tutoring?

The Office of Academic Advising and Learning Development is currently offering free group tutoring for Adult and Elder I and Pathophysiology. It is not too late to participate!

Tutoring sessions are led by NYUCN faculty member Professor Ed Chung.

The sessions take place in Goddard Hall, Room B02 every Thursday from 6:45p-8:15p.

Goddard Hall
79 Washington Square East
New York, NY

Please reach out to a member of the Academic Advising Team with any tutoring related questions!

Taking a CAS course? Need tutoring? Reach out to the University Learning Center! They offer free tutoring for students in any liberal arts course.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

NYU Academic Resources: Check Them Out!

The Academic Resource Center (ARC) is now open! NYU has created a “one-stop shop” for academic support with many exciting features. With the opening of the ARC, NYU is introducing cross-school advising, to help students navigate beyond the offerings of their own schools. Students will be able to find academic support workshops, group review sessions, computer and other academic resources. To find your way around the ARC, check out the SMART bar – Student Mentoring, Academic Support, and Tutoring – at the reception area. The incredible staff will be able to help you get acclimated with the many services of the ARC.

The University Learning Center (ULC), formerly located at Weinstein, is an integral part of this initiative. The ULC now has over forty Learning Assistants working between eight and twelve hours per week to provide Academic Success Workshops as well as group and individualized review. Students looking for help should not hesitate to turn to the ULC, as it is one of NYU's premier academic resources. Another ULC location is University Hall, where students can find the same dedicated staff and support that is available at the ARC. Students interested in academic support should refer to the University Learning Center web site for specifics on hours of operation and course offerings.

Academic Resource Center, 18 Washington Place

For more information, email Donald Brown at

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Spring 2012 Registration is Here!

The following summary includes the College of Nursing student procedures for spring 2012 registration.

You will need to meet with your academic advisor in order to be cleared for registration. Information about how to set up your advising appointment was provided in the spring 2012 registration email sent on 10/19/2011. You are now able to schedule appointments with your advisor through your student center in Albert!

Registration for Spring 2012 courses will begin November 14, 2011!

On 10/24/11, each student will be able to view their registration appointment time, which is assigned by the University Registrar based on the number of earned credits. In your Albert Student Center in the Enrollment Dates box on the right you will see your appointment time. Undergraduate students enrolled in nursing sequence courses are required to finalize their schedule on Albert between their registration appointment time and Monday, November 28, 2011 by 5:00 p.m.

Things to remember:
  • Meet with your Advisor before your registration appointment. In order to be able to register as soon as possible after your reg. appointment, you will need to be cleared by your academic advisor.

  • Be sure to bring a copy of your unofficial transcript and proposed schedule when you meet with your advisor. Students should bring two copies of the registration worksheet, which is available here.
  • Check your account for student holds. If you have outstanding library fines or a tuition balance the appropriate NYU office may place a hold on your account and prevent you from registering.
Please also feel free to reach out to your academic advisor or a member of the advising staff if anything is unclear. Contact information is available on the Advising website for Baccalaureate, Master's/DNP, and PhD advisors.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Interested in Pursuing Your M.S. Degree at NYU?

Gail Wolfmeyer, Assistant Director for Graduate Student Affairs and Admissions, will present a workshop on the Dual Degree Program. As a reminder, you are eligible to apply prior to registering for your final semester at NYUCN.

Wednesday, October19, 2011
Nursing Conference Center

Come and have all of your questions answered regarding graduate study at NYU's College of Nursing! If you are unable to attend and have any questions about the process, feel free to reach out to your advisor. You can also contact Gail Wolfmeyer directly at

Friday, October 7, 2011

Black Student Nurses Association presents: Life After Graduation

Are you about to graduate and wonder what to do next? Are you looking for job and not exactly sure where to start?

"Life after Graduation" is a workshop sponsored by the Black Student Nurses Association here at NYU. The workshop's aim is to assist nursing students in making the transition from a student to a Registered Nurse or Nurse Practitioner, with the assistance of recent graduates, employed part-time graduate program students and most importantly, nurse recruiters. We will be discussing in detail ways to make your resume and cover letter stand out, especially in today’s market; as well as review "frequently asked" interview questions along with strategies for landing the job you desire.

Special guest speakers are:

Roslyn M. Parchment, MS, RN, Nurse Recruitment Coordinator for newly licensed RN’s for NYU Langone Medical Center

Ellen M. Heasley MPA, BSN, RN, Director of Nurse Recruitment for Nurse Practitioners for NYU Langone Medical Center

Join us for:

Topic: “Life after Graduation Workshop”

Date: Friday October 14th

Time: 3:00 pm

Location: Nursing Conference Room (726 Broadway, 10th Floor)

We’re looking forward to seeing you there! Please RSVP at

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Pass/Fail Deadline Approaching

The Fall 2011 deadline to take courses pass/fail is fast approaching!

Please remember that all forms must be submitted to the Office of Academic Advising and Learning Development by no later than 5:00pm on Friday, October 7, 2011.

You may bring the form in or fax it to our office at 212.995.4595

If you are interested in this option don't let the deadline pass you by!

Monday, September 26, 2011

Off to a Good Start: Helpful Tips for the Start of Term

As we head into the first few weeks here in the College of Nursing, we want to make sure that you are doing what you can to be a successful student. Starting the semester off right is essential to finishing the term strong and earning good marks.

It's tough to come to terms with the long, luxurious summer being over. Blue, sunny skies have been replaced with changing leaves and gray clouds; lazy beach Sundays are now there-isn't-enough-time-for-all-this-work library days. To help ease the transition from summer to schoolwork, here are a few tips to help you start off another (or maybe your first!) semester at NYU.

1. Read your syllabi! It may sound obvious, but make sure you attend the first day of class and go over your syllabi. Everything you need to know will be somewhere in this important document, so make sure to spend some time reading it over and learning about the layout (scheduling, attendance, grading) of your classes.

2. Get organized! Buy a planner or update your Google Calendar with your NetID. Whatever you prefer to use, just make sure you use something! Update your planner with all the assignment and test dates in your classes. Being organized makes for more efficient time use and less unwanted surprises.

3. Go to class! This one is simple. Just because you can miss class doesn’t mean you should. It may be tempting to get an extra hour of sleep, but skipping class is the easiest way to fall behind. You pay tuition, so get your money’s worth!

4. Talk to your Professors! Whether it is after class or during office hours, professors at NYU love to talk to their students. Don’t be afraid to ask questions if you’re falling behind, as many professors are willing to spend extra time with you to help get you where you need to be.

5. Get involved! NYU has hundreds of clubs and activities for you to get involved in. Whatever your interests are, there is sure to be a group of students that are interested in the same thing. Joining clubs is a great way to meet new people and to simply unwind from the stress of schoolwork.

6. Explore the City! NYU students have the unique opportunity to be in and of New York City, one of the greatest places in the world. There is always something to do in the city no matter what you are interested in. There are concerts, museums, zoos—and discount deals on all of the above for those who know where to look. Make sure to check out and sign up for NYU TicketCentral’s mailing list for tickets to exclusive shows and events.