Wednesday, October 26, 2011

NYU Academic Resources: Check Them Out!

The Academic Resource Center (ARC) is now open! NYU has created a “one-stop shop” for academic support with many exciting features. With the opening of the ARC, NYU is introducing cross-school advising, to help students navigate beyond the offerings of their own schools. Students will be able to find academic support workshops, group review sessions, computer and other academic resources. To find your way around the ARC, check out the SMART bar – Student Mentoring, Academic Support, and Tutoring – at the reception area. The incredible staff will be able to help you get acclimated with the many services of the ARC.

The University Learning Center (ULC), formerly located at Weinstein, is an integral part of this initiative. The ULC now has over forty Learning Assistants working between eight and twelve hours per week to provide Academic Success Workshops as well as group and individualized review. Students looking for help should not hesitate to turn to the ULC, as it is one of NYU's premier academic resources. Another ULC location is University Hall, where students can find the same dedicated staff and support that is available at the ARC. Students interested in academic support should refer to the University Learning Center web site for specifics on hours of operation and course offerings.

Academic Resource Center, 18 Washington Place

For more information, email Donald Brown at

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