Wednesday, October 26, 2011

NYU Academic Resources: Check Them Out!

The Academic Resource Center (ARC) is now open! NYU has created a “one-stop shop” for academic support with many exciting features. With the opening of the ARC, NYU is introducing cross-school advising, to help students navigate beyond the offerings of their own schools. Students will be able to find academic support workshops, group review sessions, computer and other academic resources. To find your way around the ARC, check out the SMART bar – Student Mentoring, Academic Support, and Tutoring – at the reception area. The incredible staff will be able to help you get acclimated with the many services of the ARC.

The University Learning Center (ULC), formerly located at Weinstein, is an integral part of this initiative. The ULC now has over forty Learning Assistants working between eight and twelve hours per week to provide Academic Success Workshops as well as group and individualized review. Students looking for help should not hesitate to turn to the ULC, as it is one of NYU's premier academic resources. Another ULC location is University Hall, where students can find the same dedicated staff and support that is available at the ARC. Students interested in academic support should refer to the University Learning Center web site for specifics on hours of operation and course offerings.

Academic Resource Center, 18 Washington Place

For more information, email Donald Brown at

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Spring 2012 Registration is Here!

The following summary includes the College of Nursing student procedures for spring 2012 registration.

You will need to meet with your academic advisor in order to be cleared for registration. Information about how to set up your advising appointment was provided in the spring 2012 registration email sent on 10/19/2011. You are now able to schedule appointments with your advisor through your student center in Albert!

Registration for Spring 2012 courses will begin November 14, 2011!

On 10/24/11, each student will be able to view their registration appointment time, which is assigned by the University Registrar based on the number of earned credits. In your Albert Student Center in the Enrollment Dates box on the right you will see your appointment time. Undergraduate students enrolled in nursing sequence courses are required to finalize their schedule on Albert between their registration appointment time and Monday, November 28, 2011 by 5:00 p.m.

Things to remember:
  • Meet with your Advisor before your registration appointment. In order to be able to register as soon as possible after your reg. appointment, you will need to be cleared by your academic advisor.

  • Be sure to bring a copy of your unofficial transcript and proposed schedule when you meet with your advisor. Students should bring two copies of the registration worksheet, which is available here.
  • Check your account for student holds. If you have outstanding library fines or a tuition balance the appropriate NYU office may place a hold on your account and prevent you from registering.
Please also feel free to reach out to your academic advisor or a member of the advising staff if anything is unclear. Contact information is available on the Advising website for Baccalaureate, Master's/DNP, and PhD advisors.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Interested in Pursuing Your M.S. Degree at NYU?

Gail Wolfmeyer, Assistant Director for Graduate Student Affairs and Admissions, will present a workshop on the Dual Degree Program. As a reminder, you are eligible to apply prior to registering for your final semester at NYUCN.

Wednesday, October19, 2011
Nursing Conference Center

Come and have all of your questions answered regarding graduate study at NYU's College of Nursing! If you are unable to attend and have any questions about the process, feel free to reach out to your advisor. You can also contact Gail Wolfmeyer directly at

Friday, October 7, 2011

Black Student Nurses Association presents: Life After Graduation

Are you about to graduate and wonder what to do next? Are you looking for job and not exactly sure where to start?

"Life after Graduation" is a workshop sponsored by the Black Student Nurses Association here at NYU. The workshop's aim is to assist nursing students in making the transition from a student to a Registered Nurse or Nurse Practitioner, with the assistance of recent graduates, employed part-time graduate program students and most importantly, nurse recruiters. We will be discussing in detail ways to make your resume and cover letter stand out, especially in today’s market; as well as review "frequently asked" interview questions along with strategies for landing the job you desire.

Special guest speakers are:

Roslyn M. Parchment, MS, RN, Nurse Recruitment Coordinator for newly licensed RN’s for NYU Langone Medical Center

Ellen M. Heasley MPA, BSN, RN, Director of Nurse Recruitment for Nurse Practitioners for NYU Langone Medical Center

Join us for:

Topic: “Life after Graduation Workshop”

Date: Friday October 14th

Time: 3:00 pm

Location: Nursing Conference Room (726 Broadway, 10th Floor)

We’re looking forward to seeing you there! Please RSVP at

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Pass/Fail Deadline Approaching

The Fall 2011 deadline to take courses pass/fail is fast approaching!

Please remember that all forms must be submitted to the Office of Academic Advising and Learning Development by no later than 5:00pm on Friday, October 7, 2011.

You may bring the form in or fax it to our office at 212.995.4595

If you are interested in this option don't let the deadline pass you by!