Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Registration is Upon Us!

Greetings students!

Summer and Fall 2013 Registration is already upon us! The Office of Academic Advising and Learning Development is here to help you with all of your registration needs. Please keep in mind the following dates/instructions:

Fall 2013 Registration Procedures 
for BS Pre-Nursing Sequence, MS, DNP & PhD students

The registration period for Fall 2013 classes will begin the week of April 22, 2013.

Registration will be based on appointment time, which indicates the earliest possible time to enroll into Fall 2013 classes. Appointment times will be posted the week of March 25, 2013 on the main page of your Albert student center in the enrollment dates box

Advising meetings for Fall 2013 registration will begin on Monday, March 4, 2013 and will continue throughout the week of registration. 

Summer and Fall 2013
BS Students Enrolling into the Nursing Clinical Sequence

Advising meetings for Fall 2013 registration will begin on Monday, March 4, 2013

Summer 2013 - Students Entering Nursing Sequence II or III
April 1, 2013: Clinical Tool will be sent via NYU email
April 5, 2013 @ 5:00 pm: Deadline for completing and submitting the Clinical Tool online
April 15, 2013: Students will be registered and sent a confirmation email

Fall 2013 - Students Entering Nursing Sequence I , III or IV
April 22, 2013: Clinical Tool will be sent via NYU email
April 26, 2013 @ 5:00 pm: Deadline for completing and submitting the Clinical Tool
May 13, 2013: Students will be registered and sent a confirmation email

Be sure to check your NYU email for detailed instructions on registration procedures. You can also contact your advisor or email nursingadvising@nyu.edu.

Best of luck!
The NYUCN Advising Team

Friday, February 22, 2013

Time Flies By....

When you're a nursing student! 

Does the day seem to fly by and you still have plenty to do? Can't find enough time to study, spend time with friends, read for class, prepare for the next exam, or even cook dinner? Try some of these time management tips and be sure to attend one of our workshops for more information:

1) Write down where you are spending your time. For example, on average how many hours per week do you sleep (including naps)? Commute? Spend with friends, going out, watching tv? Getting ready? Add up the total hours. There are 168 hours in a week, subtract your total from 168. How many hours are remaining? This is how much time you have left to study. Do you need to make any adjustments to your schedule? 

2) Use a time management tool such as your NYU google calendar. You week should look something like this: 

Notice all the different color blocks? Each color represents an activity. For example: Yellow - Breaks/out with friends, Green - Extra curricular activities, Red - class. This way you have a visual of how much time you are spending. The calendar is an excellent tool to organize your time and it sends you reminders!

3) Use SMART goal setting to manage your time too. For example: S for SPECIFIC: "Read for Actute Psychology for two hours" This is NOT a specific goal because it does not tell you what you are going to read and how much. A more SPECIFIC goal would be: "Read and take notes on chapter's 7&8 in 60 minutes. Complete 5 NCLEX questions in 10 minutes." Refer to our previous post about SMART goal setting for more information. 

These are just a few suggestions. Contact our office at nursingadvising@nyu.edu if you would like to set up an appointment with a professional academic advisor to chat one on one about time management. 

Friday, February 15, 2013

Undergrads: Tackle Writer's Block!

Throughout your undergraduate career you will write thousands of pages! Professors expect proper grammar, sentence structure, organized thoughts, proper punctuation, and a strong thesis statement among other things. So what can you do to improve your writing skills? Utilize one of the many FREE writing resources available at the University:

NYU Writing Center - Work with writing consultants at every stage of the writing process. But keep in mind:  the consultants at the writing center are not proofreaders, editors, ghostwriters, or graders of your paper. If you need help with sentence structure and grammar, they will address those rules with you. Come prepared with copies of your papers and information on assignments. The more prepared you are the more you will get out of the session. To make an appointment, click here.

University Learning Center - The CAS Learning Center offers free peer tutoring for Writing the Essay. Click here for more information. 

Is English your second language? The American Language Institute (ALI) through SCPS is a great resource providing English language instruction and evaluation. Click here for more information.

Proofreading Clinics - Writing involves strong proofreading skills too! Attend one of these free sessions to learn valuable proofreading strategies. Students are expected to bring a draft of their own writing. Tuesday's, 5pm ULC @UHALL. 

Don't be shy! Tackle that writer's block, brush up on your writing skills, or learn more about your writing style by using one of these services. You won't just need these skills during your undergraduate career but during your career as a health care professional too!

Best of luck writing all those papers this semester! 

For more information contact nursingadvising@nyu.edu.

Friday, February 8, 2013

NYUCN Partners With SCPS Writing Tutoring Services!

We have an exciting new initiative to announce for our College of Nursing graduate (MS, DNP, and PhD) students! Through collaboration with NYU's School of Continuing and Professional Studies (SCPS), College of Nursing graduate students now have access to free tutoring to improve writing skills!

Even graduate students need help with writing papers.  The craft of writing does not come easy to everyone, so whether you've been out of school for a while and need to brush up on your writing , or have always struggled with putting your thoughts down on paper - this free service will help you. Individual tutoring sessions are matched to your availability including evening and weekend hours.

To set up an appointment call212.992.9055.  Identify yourself as a graduate nursing student, provide your name, student ID number and your availability.  Evening and weekend hours are an option. At this point only appointments made by phone will be taken.  In the very near future there will be a convenient online scheduling system. 
LocationMcGhee Tutoring Services 7E 12th Street, 6th Floor

Things to keep in mind:
  • Tutors are not editors, proofreaders, graders, etc. They will provide feedback on your writing style, and in cases where grammar or sentence structure need to be addressed, they will work with you on those rules.
  • Schedule appointments ahead of time so you can make any necessary changes to your work and turn assignments in on time.
  • If you're working on a draft, bring two copies. One for you, one for the tutor.
  • Come prepared with questions, information about a particular assignment, copies of a paper with teacher comments, any related notes or research. 
  • Students are allowed a maximum of 5 hours of tutoring per semester. 
  • Open to graduate students only.

If you have any specific questions about writing skills tutoring please email Mcghee.tutoring@nyu.edu. Additional information is also available on the Academic Advising Tutoring Program Website. Be sure to review the tab for graduate students! 

Friday, February 1, 2013

Get the Most from Bobst!

Bobst Library may seem like a large, crowded, busy building to navigate but the staff and resources will prove very useful to you in your studies!

As a nursing student, I'm sure you understand by now that you need to devote a lot of time to studying. Explore the library to find a spot that you feel comfortable studying in on a regular basis and try to build a routine study schedule.

The hours of Bobst this Spring 2013 semester can be found here: http://library.nyu.edu/about/hours/spring.html

Some convenient features brought to you by Bobst:
1) IM With a Librarian! Go to http://library.nyu.edu/ask/ and IM a Bobst libarian for help with finding a source, APA formatting, etc.
2) Group Study Rooms - Do you prefer to study with a group of classmates? Reserve a group study room here: http://library.nyu.edu/services/group_study.html

3) Take advantage of the Health Sciences Libraries too! Find more information here:  http://hsl.med.nyu.edu/
4) Use NYU RefWorks! This is a web-based tool, free of charge, that helps you manage and organize your research. Import references directly into a bibliography and save some time! Click here for more info.

There is a wealth of information on the library website.

And don't forget - if you need help with time management or study skills - you can attend one of our workshops. For more information click here.

Best of luck this semester!
The Office of Academic Advising and Learning Development