Friday, February 22, 2013

Time Flies By....

When you're a nursing student! 

Does the day seem to fly by and you still have plenty to do? Can't find enough time to study, spend time with friends, read for class, prepare for the next exam, or even cook dinner? Try some of these time management tips and be sure to attend one of our workshops for more information:

1) Write down where you are spending your time. For example, on average how many hours per week do you sleep (including naps)? Commute? Spend with friends, going out, watching tv? Getting ready? Add up the total hours. There are 168 hours in a week, subtract your total from 168. How many hours are remaining? This is how much time you have left to study. Do you need to make any adjustments to your schedule? 

2) Use a time management tool such as your NYU google calendar. You week should look something like this: 

Notice all the different color blocks? Each color represents an activity. For example: Yellow - Breaks/out with friends, Green - Extra curricular activities, Red - class. This way you have a visual of how much time you are spending. The calendar is an excellent tool to organize your time and it sends you reminders!

3) Use SMART goal setting to manage your time too. For example: S for SPECIFIC: "Read for Actute Psychology for two hours" This is NOT a specific goal because it does not tell you what you are going to read and how much. A more SPECIFIC goal would be: "Read and take notes on chapter's 7&8 in 60 minutes. Complete 5 NCLEX questions in 10 minutes." Refer to our previous post about SMART goal setting for more information. 

These are just a few suggestions. Contact our office at if you would like to set up an appointment with a professional academic advisor to chat one on one about time management. 

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