Friday, March 29, 2013

Don't Forget About Free Tutoring!

There is still time left in the semester to take advantage of free tutoring! 

The College of Nursing provides free group tutoring for designated undergraduate nursing sequence courses each term. For a list of times/dates please visit:

And for our graduate students we have partnered with SCPS to offer free one-on-one writing support tutoring. For more information visit:

We encourage you to take advantage of all of the free academic support NYU offers! If you have any questions please email

Best of luck!
The NYUCN Advising Team

Monday, March 25, 2013

Remember to Make the Most of Bobst!

The semester is well underway - so don't forget how to make the most of Bobst library...

Bobst Library may seem like a large, crowded, busy building to navigate but the staff and resources will prove very useful to you in your studies!

As a nursing student, I'm sure you understand by now that you need to devote a lot of time to studying. Explore the library to find a spot that you feel comfortable studying in on a regular basis and try to build a routine study schedule.

The hours of Bobst this Spring 2013 semester can be found here:

Some convenient features brought to you by Bobst:
1) IM With a Librarian! Go to and IM a Bobst libarian for help with finding a source, APA formatting, etc.
2) Group Study Rooms - Do you prefer to study with a group of classmates? Reserve a group study room here:

3) Take advantage of the Health Sciences Libraries too! Find more information here:
4) Use NYU RefWorks! This is a web-based tool, free of charge, that helps you manage and organize your research. Import references directly into a bibliography and save some time! Click here for more info.

There is a wealth of information on the library website.

And don't forget - if you need help with time management or study skills - talk to your Academic Advisor! email us at

Best of luck this semester!
The NYUCN Advising Team

Thursday, March 14, 2013

A Quick Reminder About Registration!

We are in full swing for summer and fall registration for BS students entering into the nursing clinical sequence. Be sure to enter these key dates into your planner/calendar/notebook: 

Summer 2013 - Students Entering Nursing Sequence II or III
April 1, 2013: Clinical Tool will be sent via NYU email
April 5, 2013 @ 5:00 pm: Deadline for completing and submitting the Clinical Tool online
April 15, 2013: Students will be registered and sent a confirmation email

Fall 2013 - Students Entering Nursing Sequence I, III or IV
April 22, 2013: Clinical Tool will be sent via NYU email
April 26, 2013 @ 5:00 pm: Deadline for completing and submitting the Clinical Tool
May 13, 2013: Students will be registered and sent a confirmation email

Please bring two copies of your registration worksheet to the meeting, along with a copy of your unofficial transcript.

Be sure to check your NYU email for detailed instructions on registration procedures. You can also contact your advisor or email

We look forward to meeting with you if we have not done so already!
The NYUCN Advising Team

Friday, March 8, 2013

Have You Heard of Turnitin?

Every student should know about Turnitin. We live in a digital age with an unlimited number of tools available online for students! 

Turnitin is an application that helps support the development of your skills in preparing written assignments which consists of three primary tools: OriginalityCheck plagiarism prevention, PeerMark peer review, and GradeMark online grading

The Turnitin training website for students has many helpful step by step instructions, tutorials and videos that explain the many features available on Turnitin. Student users of Turnitin can submit papers to a class from the class portfolio page. Just keep in mind - your professor has to activate Turnitin for each assignment. So if this is something that you are interested in using as an academic tool, reach out to your professors.

To learn more about submitting a paper, please follow the link below!

Don't forget to Turnitin!

The NYUCN Advising Team

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Free Tutoring!

That's right! It's free! So why not take advantage of it? 

The College of Nursing provides free group tutoring for designated undergraduate nursing sequence courses each term. For a list of times/dates please visit:

And for our graduate students we have partnered with SCPS to offer free one-on-one writing support tutoring. We told you about this great service in a previous blog post so why are we reminding  you again? Because it's important to take advantage of all of the free support NYU offers! For more information check out the previous blog post or visit:

If you have any questions please email

Best of luck!
The NYUCN Advising Team

Friday, March 1, 2013

Managing Test Anxiety

Do you experience nervousness and anxiety before taking an exam? Do you worry that you might not be able to recall the correct answer in a test environment? If so, you are not alone. Feelings of nervousness and self-doubt are extremely common when a person is faced with the situation of having to "perform."

Here are a few tips that can help to alleviate some of the "butterflies" before an exam.

Use the acronym P-R-E-P-A-R-E!

P - Positive self-talk: In the moments before an exam, it is important to reassure yourself and to focus on positive thoughts. Here are some examples to help you get started: "I prepared to the best of my ability," "I am ready for this exam," "I believe in myself," "I am capable of doing well," and "I am proud of myself for taking on this challenge."

R - Relax: Relax your body and clear your mind by breathing in deeply over several seconds and then slowly releasing your breath. Repeat this technique at least three times.

E - Exam day: Before exam day picture the physical space of the exam room in your head. Create an image of yourself at a desk, methodically going through the exam. If possible, determine the test format and the total number of questions prior to the exam day.

P - Plan ahead: Before you enter the classroom, organize yourself by turning off your cell phone, putting away notes, and bring anything you need for the exam (e.g. #2 pencil).

A - Arrive early: Give yourself extra travel time on the day of exam. Anticipate traffic or delays on the subway.

R - Remember to focus: If your mind goes blank on a question and you feel a sense of panic coming over you, take a deep breath, focus, employ positive self-talk for a moment and then refocus your attention back to the exam.

E - Evaluate: In instances were your time may be limited, evaluate the questions and answer what you are confident in first, and then spend any remaining time on re-examining the more challenging questions. If you cannot recall or identify the answer to a question, make a notation by the question and move on to the next question

The best way to build confidence in test taking is to be fully prepared for the exam, which requires significant and effective studying throughout the semester. That said, severe anxiety can still impact a fully-prepared student's performance.

If you feel as though anxiety is affecting your academic performance, contact your academic advisor and the Office of Academic Advising & Learning Development. We are here to help and support you!

Lastly, whatever your level of anxiety, take advantage of the counseling services and stress-relief workshops offered by NYU's Student Health & Wellness Center.

Good luck!
The NYUCN Advising Team