Wednesday, March 25, 2015

So long,

NYUCN Advising hopes you had a great spring break!

We have big news: NYUCN Advising blog will be transitioning out of, to a new home! Tumblr is a more diverse, interactive, and accessible social media site for students, and more information will be made available to all nursing students,

For those of you who already have a tumblr account, you can go and follow us now! If you don't have one, no worries. The page is made public for everyone to see. To view or start following, click here for the official NYUCN tumblr page. 

p.s., be on the lookout for the new NYUCN instagram page. Will be rolled out soon.

We draw your attention to the following reminders for the upcoming week:

Exploring Health Careers: A panel representing a wide rang of health careers will be sharing their perspectivs on the industry, work place experiences, and helpful advice for students entring the health profession. Monday, March 30th, 6:30pm-8:30pm. Wasserman presentation room A on the 2nd floor (133 east 13th street). RSVP now by clicking here. 

Friday, March 13, 2015

Happy Spring Break NYUCN Students!

Happy Spring Break!

We draw your attention to the following reminders for upcoming events taking place this week.

Medical Spanish Crash Course: Join fellow nursing students for a biref crash course in medical spanish. Monday, March 23rd, from 6pm to 8pm. At the Kimmel Center for University Life, Rm 906 (60 Washington Sq.).

"Nursing of the future:Modernizing a Timeless Profession: Featuring clinical nurse, author and NY Times Columnist Theresa Brown. Tuesday, March 24th from 6pm to 8pm. Held at the NYU Global Center for Academic and Spiritual Life Grand Hall, 5th Floor. To RSVP click here,by Wednesday March 18th.

After College/AACN Scholarship Fund: Open to undergraduates, graduates, and doctoral degree nurses. For the application and more information, click here

The Hartford Institute Geriatric Undergraduate Scholars Program: Now accepting applicants for the summer and fall cohorts. This honors program is only open to undergraduate students who are currently in the 2nd sequence; A&E II. Applications are due April 21st for both traditional and accelerated students. For the application and more information, click here. 


Monday, March 2, 2015

Research Days


Do you know what the NYUCN Research Days are all about? These important two days in April is where all students of NYU College of Nursing, alongside NYU college of Dentristry and all its programs who have engaged in a research project can share their work. It must have been under the supervision of a faculty member. 

It is the perfect opportunity to share your work with your peers, professors, and the entire NYUCN community. This is also a great achievement to add to your overall resumes, or Linkedin accounts. 

Runs April 23rd to 24th. Students should seek approval from their adviser before registering. Advisers will recieve a confirmation email indicating that their students have registered. Submit your abstract online by clicking here. Also email a WORD attachment to Deadline for the abstract is March 15th. 

We draw your attention to the following reminders for this week:

Integrated Care Models and Multidisciplinary Behavior Health for Older Adults with HIV: The introduction to using different integrated care models for the growing number of older adults with HIV. Tuesday, March 3rd 8:00am-4:00pm. Held at Kimmel Center for University Life, Rosenthal Pavilion 60 Washington Sq. Breakfast and Lunch will be provided, register by clicking here. 

Ethical Decision Making: Presented by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation New Careers in Nursing. Join Dean Amy Knowles in a discussion on ethical decision making in the nursing profession.Thursday, March 5th 4:00pm to 5:00pm.  RSVP by clicking here. 

NYUCN Undergraduate Town Hall: The opportunity to voice your concerns, questions, and thoughts. Whether its about academic affairs, student life, or the new NYUCN main building, we encourage you to attend this town hall meeting.  Please fill out this form with your concern and offer a recommendation to resolve the issue; click here