Thursday, November 6, 2014

Resume and Cover Letter Aid to the Rescue

Hello Nursing Students!     

As we get through the beginning of November, many students can not help but think about their careers, and what kind of job will be acquired. There is plenty of time for that for sure. However, it is never too early to think about dusting off and cleaning your resumes and cover letters! NYUCN is offering resume and cover letter workshop next Wednesday. All nursing students are encouraged to attend especially those graduating this semester.

Resume and cover letter workshop
Wednesday, November 12th. 12:15pm. 726 Broadway, 10th floor Nursing Conference Center. If you need help and advice creating or updating your resumes/cover letters, come on in! To RSVP, please click here. If you can not make it, no worries! Connect with a career coach through NYU CareerNet, click here.

  We draw your attention to the following events and reminders for this upcoming week:

Scholarship Deadlines:
The Fred Schmidt Award
Final Deadline! November 10th

Margret S. Wolf Hirschberg Scholarship
Final Deadline! November 14th 

New Careers in Nursing Leadership Development Seminar:
Dr. Yvonne Wesley will be doing a presentation on how to find and be a mentor. RSVP now by clicking here, space is limited so hurry!

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